CS373 Fall 2020: Grant Larson

Grant Larson
2 min readSep 20, 2020
  1. What did you do this past week?
    This past week I completed the Collatz projects for both CS373 and CS371P. I completed the project in C++ for CS371P first as I have a better handle on the language than I do for Python. I then adapted my solution to function in Python for CS373.
  2. What’s in your way?
    Nothing is in my way this week — I’m looking forward to meeting my group members for the IDB project!
  3. What will you do next week?
    This next week I plan to get together with my group and start making progress on IDB1. I will also begin working on the Voting project for CS371P.
  4. What was your experience of EXCEPTIONS, IDB1, and TYPES?
    My experience with exceptions and types was fine — I haven’t used exceptions often but the syntax and logic seemed straightforward and understandable. Our delve into types was interesting — I have used most of the types we have covered, but I had never consciously considered the properties of some of the more niche types. As far as IDB1 goes, I have no experience with web development, so it will be a learning experience — it seems a little daunting but doable. However, what we went over in class made sense and I’m looking forward to working with my team to gain an understanding of this topic!
  5. What made you happy this week?
    The new power supply unit I had on backorder cleared and is expected to arrive sometime this upcoming week! Unfortunately, all of the RTX 3080 stock was sniped by scalpers using a script to place bulk orders, but the manufacturer has claimed that stock will be replenished this week and that steps are being taken to ensure scalpers are not the recipients of the limited stock.
  6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
    My tip of the week is to get the rest you need! I pushed myself this week at the expense of my sleep schedule, and it has definitely taken a toll on me. It’s important to stay well-rested to function as efficiently as possible.

